Karina Otero
My name is Karina Otero, I am a current senior at Hoover High School. I just turned eighteen on the 16th of February; I was born in San Diego. I enjoy going out a lot with friends and I like surrounding myself around positive vibes. I also enjoy going to the beach, I love trying new things, and I love dogs. My hope for this year is to go to a 4 year university and start my path towards becoming a vet. The reason why I want to become a vet is because my passion for animals is immense; I like to believe that every animal is equally as important as humans.
Academically I’ve usually always taken advanced courses because I like to challenge myself. I am currently on the varsity lacrosse team as attack position. I live with both of my parents and I have two siblings that are girls ages twelve and eight. I love my little sisters to death, I feel it is important for me to become a good role model for them so they’ll achieve great things in the future. I think the most important thing to me right now is graduating and knowing where I’m going to go afterwards and to make my family proud. After all I’m the first person in my family to attend college.