Dear Esperanza,
I dont know if this is even for real, but Im gonna try it. I have these friends who dont always do whats right but their my friends. I like this guy and as soon as i confided in one of them and i guess she told the others cuz one said she liked him too. Now she flirts with him in class and it makes me angry. One day the guy started talking to me at lunch and i am a little shy but he was cool and made some jokes. then all of a sudden she was there and started talking to him and me but more to him. why would she do that? what should i do?
jenny…not my real name
Hi Jenny!
I’m so happy you emailed me to give you some advice. Well first, I’m sorry for hearing that and honestly what I can say is your friends are very immature and the friend that told all of the rest of the group is not very considerate of your feelings and privacy. But I would also definitely say that in this time period, you need to watch people’s intentions and a lot of people can say they are your friends but they don’t show their true intentions. The girl that is saying that she likes him is honestly being such a bad person and messing around with you because friends don’t do that and honestly it’s just giving like “oh you like him, I’m gonna like him too” drama to rub in your face.
But I would definitely recommend you to communicate with the girl who told everyone and tell her that you felt like it wasn’t necessary for her to expose your business and if you told only her it was because you trusted her. Also talk to the girl who likes him and genuinely confront her and tell her how you feel and let her know that you feel like she’s faking that she likes him. With the guy, honestly I would say watch out for his actions when he is with you and with her.
Definitely keep pursuing him if that’s what you choose to do, but keep your guard up around her. I hope my advice can help you in any way and just know that there are a lot of opportunities for love and time will tell, so keep your head up and thank you again!
Hi esperanza,
When I text my boyfriend, he does not text me right back and sometimes he takes too long to text me back. What should I do?
Dear Waiting,
Hi! I am so glad you emailed me to ask me for advice. Well what I can say is that first there are a lot of things that could be the reason why he isn’t replying back quickly or at all. But first, I would say that if you feel some type of way about this situation, the best thing you can do is communicate with him face to face and tell him how you feel and why you are feeling that way and ask why he is not responding or taking too long.
Also keep in mind when you communicate, don’t come off with a mean attitude or bad vibes because if you speak to him in a good way and ask seriously, then he will know that it’s actually affecting you and it’s making you feel some type of way. As you talk to him in person, which is better, you can see his physical reaction.
So just communicate and give it time and let him know that you are there for him and that you need that support from him. I hope my advice will help you. I wish you the best in your relationship, and remember relationships aren’t perfect and there would be challenges but keep your head up!