Aileen Velasco is a 17-year-old senior at Hoover High. She hopes to go to a four year college to help her with her future entrepreneur plans, and make a successful career in business that helps out communities.
A scholar is what best describes Aileen. She is in two programs currently; Cardinals Interact and First Gen Scholars. They are helping her with her future plans and scholarships. The schools she actively considers are UCSD and UCLA.
She is a kind person who inspires others to be kind and show their social side. Other students look up to Aileen from her flawless personality. Even though she is one of the shyest people you’ll ever stumble across at first. Outside of school she likes to be a mixture of introvert and extrovert. Her introverted side is just reading books, watching movies, and always doing her homework. Her extroverted side likes to hangout with people she cares for and knows, that includes friends and her boyfriend.
Aileen does not have a current job right now but she is a responsible person. She babysits her siblings, takes care of her little kitty (Pacthes), and makes sure her homework is done. She is respectful, trustworthy, has self- management and self- control, humble, beautiful, and fair.
“Never let anyone tell you how you live your life,” Aileen advises. “You make the decision and follow your own steps.”