Participation is important to learn because it shows you that involving yourself in activities can show you how to have fun or learn.
Participation is having the courage to involve yourself with other people and bond or communicate to learn about other people and yourself. For example, you can join a sports team like basketball but you need to participate to join the team because you need to try out and show your skills to the coach to make the team. Therefore, participating in the activity to later on, learn and socialize with the team.
When I was a freshman in high school, I never participated in any activities or joined any electives that required me to participate because I didn’t like socializing with other people before. I used to think minding my own business would benefit me and did but I never really made friends because of that and it stunted my growth as a person. Now I am in electives that make me grow as a person because I want to learn life skills and socialize more with friends and other people. After all, I feel it would help my growth, and later on, when I am an adult.
Participation helps you build confidence to learn more or even build self-confidence for activities that you would be scared of but now that confidence is helping you push through that anxiety and nervousness. I also believe that participation can change many things if you had a lot of free time on your hands and believed that you were wasting your time, that’s what participating can do. It can keep you busy and productive so you would feel better about how you handle your time more easily. And that’s why participation is important in your life.
Challenge yourself to grow ~ Edwyn Renteria