This is Mrs. Cherese Wiltshire first year at Hoover High School, and she wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
Before coming to Hoover, Mrs. Wiltshire was teaching elementary school mostly the first-grade and then later, moving up into the older kids. The reason she became an administrator was that she wanted to help students beyond the four walls of her classroom and go into a leadership position.
As an Associate Principal, Mrs. Wiltshire has interacted more with students and is looking to help change the system in a way that can benefit all students and not oppress them. So far, she loves it here at Hoover and loves the students. Some things can be a bit challenging, such as learning new things because it is a different arena, but she is flexible and adapts to whatever the situation is.
Compared to her teaching experience, she did do office work that prepared her for this job, such as testing, working with small groups and ran ELAC. These experiences really helped prepare her for this work. But one thing that is new is disciplining and giving consequences to older students, and working with adults more versus students.
Overall Mrs. Wilshire loves it here at Hoover because of the vibe, and she loves how the students have found their niche in whatever they are interested in like sports, Robotics or even art. She is glad that there is something for every student to be a part of. She thinks that the students are awesome and loves to listen to what they want to do with their lives and their plans but also likes to hear about their weekends and when they say “good morning” and “good afternoon,” or even just stopping by for a chat.