Water is important to me because it keeps me alive. Although, there is not much flavor to it, I still prefer it over any other drink just because it keeps me hydrated.
I use water to make ice, cook ramen, and to drink. My favorite way to drink water is to leave it refrigerated and then add ice. I like my water iced cold, I can’t drink it room temperature because it just doesn’t taste as good.
I use water daily. I use it to shower, wash dishes, wash my face and teeth. We couldn’t live without water. It has become an important factor in our lives because not only does it keep the body hydrated but it keeps everyone clean, internally and externally. I enjoy taking cold showers at night because it relaxes my body and if I were to not have water, then I couldn’t shower.
I love camping, I go every summer with my family and we usually go hiking to explore. I always make sure I take a bottle of water with extra ice to stay hydrated. My water usually doesn’t last long because I drink it too fast so on the way back I get very thirsty. My mouth starts getting dry and my body feels weaker. This is why it’s important to drink your 15 cups of water a day, especially if you plan on going out.
Water has become an important part of my life because without it I would not be able to survive. Everyone should be taking water everywhere they go because it’s good for you. The more you drink water the less headaches you get and the energetic you will be because your body will be hydrated and happy with you. Our bodies are made of 60% water which is why it is essential to survive. The brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, and muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%. If you find yourself not functioning properly it could be because you have drank enough water.