Aralyn Garcia is currently a 16-year-old junior at Hoover High school, and is part of the AOIT academy. She is a very nice, hard working and caring person.
She is currently involved in two different programs; Avenues for Success and Cardinals Interact both programs are helpful resources for your process in applying to college. She joined Cardinals Interact because she felt it would be a way for her to decide what she wanted to do in her future. Last year during her sophomore year, Aralyn took AP Spanish and it wasn’t hard at all since Spanish is a language she speaks at home. However, this year she is taking AP history which has been a lot more challenging for her. She knows that with hard work she will be able to pass this class with no doubt about it. Her goals for senior year would be to pass all her classes, have a free period, and hopefully graduate in white. While she’s already going on a great path for graduation she knows that having these goals will encourage her to keep on going with a positive mindset.
In her free time, Aralyn enjoys spending time with her friends and having a good time. Her favorite subject in school is math. For Aralyn, college is very important because she hopes to stay in California, preferably San Diego and possibly go to San Diego State where she would like to pursue her dream job. Aralyn isn’t too sure what she wants to be but she hopes it would be something having to do with psychology or accounting.