Annelies Marie Frank was a Jewish girl born on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany. Her parents were Otto and Edith Frank, and she had one sibling, an older sister named Margot Frank. Anne’s childhood was wonderful, as her family lived in a middle-class environment.
When she was just four years old, Anne and her family moved to Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to escape the increasing persecution of Jews under the Nazi regime. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party had come to power in 1933, and he began implementing anti-Jewish laws and policies. The Frank family moved to avoid danger in Germany. After moving, Anne and Margot were enrolled in school in 1934. Anne attended Montessori school, while Margot went to a public school. In May 1940, during World War II, Germany invaded the Netherlands. During the summer holiday of 1941, Anne learned that she would no longer be allowed to attend Montessori and had to go to Jewish school. Anne and Margot went to the Jewish Lyceum, a Jewish school in Amsterdam that opened in September 1941.
On her 13th birthday, she received a diary where she could write about her feelings and thoughts. In mid-1942, the Frank family went into hiding. On July 6, 1942, the Frank family concealed themselves behind Anne’s father’s business premises. This hiding place was known as the Secret Annex. While in the Secret Annex, she used her diary to document her life, thoughts, feelings, and experiences during their time in hiding, as well as the plight of Jewish people.
August 4th, 1944, Anne Frank and the other people who were hiding were arrested. She was 15 years old when she got arrested. The German and police deported them to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Later on, Anne and Margot got separated from their parents and transported to the Bergen Belsen concentration camp.
In February 1945, due to the condition at the camp, Anne died from a Typhus epidemic that spread through the camp.
Her legacy was writing her diary while hiding, she inspired a lot of people around the world.