Graduating With Honors

If a student maintains an overall grade point average (GPA) of 4.0 and above throughout his or her high school career, it’s possible for the student to graduate in a white gown instead of the traditional red. However, if the graduating senior did not attend Herbert Hoover High School for four years (freshman through senior year), she or he will be denied graduating in a white gown even if her or his cumulative GPA is over 4.0. If you’re a senior and are unsure if your GPA meets the minimum, you can check at the registrar, which is located in the counseling office.

At the end of last quarter, the senior list containing class rankings and cumulative grade point averages from freshman through senior year was updated. Unfortunately students who obtained a 3.9 GPA and below will not graduate in a white gown even if their overall grade point average meets the minimum of 4.0 at the end of third and fourth quarter. Students who transferred here during their sophomore, junior, and senior year are also denied white gown privileges even if their cumulative GPA meets the requirement.

I believe the requirements for graduating in a white gown are unfair; ironically I’m graduating in a white gown. The white gown requirements are inconsiderate because of how the school is currently handling classes (the 4×4), and also because transferred students are automatically denied the privilege of graduating in a white gown, regardless of their GPA. The 4×4, which is currently implemented, denies seniors who are at the 3.9 GPA mark. Those seniors could have raised their GPA and met the requirement if we had the old system (six classes year-round). Also, those seniors could have had a boosted GPA if given the opportunity during third and fourth quarter since graduation is in June.

To graduate in white means that a student would have had to maintain straight A’s all four respected years at Hoover and probably took several Honor/AP classes. Honor and AP classes can give students an extra point in the course thus overall raising his or her GPA. The white gown symbolizes hard work and triumph, and the dedication the student put in throughout her or his high school history. It is not necessarily fair to remove the guidelines for graduating in white, especially because of the hard work students put into their grades. Although, I think it may be time for change or at least a slight adjustment for special cases.