New Semester….new policies

Lisbeth Urias, Editor-in-Chief

Welcome to the spring semester!  There are less than five months of school left in the year.  Seniors are going to be very busy with closing out their last year.  There are two new school policies are in effect right now:

Positive Attendance
First period teachers will close and lock their doors when the bell rings at 7:30 each morning. To avoid multiple interruptions of late arrivals, students who are not in class at 7:30 will be redirected to the auditorium, and escorted in groups to first period classrooms by support staff 15 minutes later. These students will miss out on “bell work” at the beginning of the period, which could result in lower grades over time. Students with negative attendance patterns will be counseled individually prior to being sent to first period.
Electronic Device Usage
During instructional time, electronic devices and headphones will be silenced and safely stored. Classroom teachers will communicate when/if the use of these devices might be appropriate. Students who choose to not comply with this policy will have their device confiscated, only to be returned during a parent conference.

Please follow these new policies and start the semester off right!