Hoover’s Own Takes on the World


Elizabeth Lopez, Staff Writer

Jeremy Ramirez, first ever Young Entrepreneur Society (Y.E.S.) President and first Stegela Success Mastery Intern, an Aaron Price Fellow, and 1st place winner at the annual Nick Cannon Business Plan Competition, is a 17 year old senior from Hoover High. Jeremy recently self-published his book WIN AS YOUTH on January 13, 2018. WIN AS YOUTH is an in-depth autobiography of the experiences that influenced Jeremy to pursue entrepreneurship. Honing in on the most significant lessons of his high school career: Paradigms, Find Yourself, and Circle of Influence.

If you’ve read Jeremy’s book or even heard his story in person, you would come to find that he really did manifest his dreams into reality. No matter what challenge lay before him, Jeremy remained true to himself in the face of judgement and followed his intuition in times of doubt. Doing so, he has taken a route that is strikingly and most interestingly different than the common high schooler, and has embarked on a journey that is worth reading. Not only did he become an author at such a young age, he also just launched the WIN AS YOUTH podcast.

He explained that getting into the field as a high school student presents unique obstacles and pushes youth to find their own path. Through WIN AS YOUTH Jeremy shares his story to help guide high school students in creating their own path to success. In his podcast he is trying to help other teens achieve the same mindset in order for them to leave their mark in our society. He wants to Ignite in the youth the confidence, mindset, and power to use their voice and manifest their dreams into reality because there is no set age to win.

“There’s so much content out there that helps you start a business- which is a daunting task for youth to think of when they first take interest in entrepreneurship,” said Jeremy. “By sharing my story I hope to prepare youth with the mindset of taking on the challenges and risks that come with choosing entrepreneurship. In the WIN AS YOUTH podcast we cultivate the next generation of entrepreneurs and world leaders. We inspire teens to strive for a life of extraordinary success, impact, and freedom. Join the movement- impact one to impact millions.”

Today, you can find Jeremy working relentlessly towards his goal to become a traveling entrepreneurial philanthropist by his early 20s with the help of his mentors Rucel Pletado and Ryan Donaldson. Jeremy’s success at such a young age is an example of what motivation and dedication combined can accomplish.