Ataklty Gebru

Enriqueta Miranda, Staff Writer

Ataklty Gebru is this week’s Athlete of the Week.  Ataklty is a 16-year-old junior.  Recently, he placed 5th place out of 250 runners at the Mt. Carmel Invitational for cross country. Not only is Ataklty in cross country but he is in track and field as well. He says he was introduced to cross country during his freshman year of highschool, by his cousin who was in track at the time. He’s been running for three years and doesn’t plan on stopping and perhaps continuing into college. His main inspiration is the love he has for the sport. His main challenge so far has been his injury back in February of this year. He hurt his shin and was on a shin splint for approximately 6 months. However, that didn’t stop him from practicing.

Coming from an Ethiopian background he speaks Amharic as well as Tigrinya, an Afro- Asiatic language. His favorite type of  food is Ethiopian cuisine. One of his favorite dishes is Kitfo which mainly consists of minced raw beef.