Practice makes perfect


Jackie Ocampo, Staff Writer

On Thursday, September 13, 2018, Hoover High School had a practice lockdown drill to prepare everyone for an emergency. This is very important for our school because in this generation, there have been a lot more school shootings in almost every state and it is becoming a problem for schools. All teachers get an email every week before the drill to remind them and to prepare their students.

It starts with a one minute continuous warning bell tell every teacher and student they must be in a class quickly before the bell stops ringing. During the lockdown, teachers lock the doors and turn off the lights and move people away from the windows and doors so that it will look like no one is there. Everyone must stay quiet the whole time and they are not allow to go outside for any reason. Even if someone knocks on the door, no one is to let them in. Once security has check every room to see if they are safe and did the rules correct, they send a message to teachers to continue their class.

Students must learn this technique and be prepare at all times when in school because you will never know when the bell will ring and you might get locked out of class. If you are outside when the bell rings, you must go to the nearest room that is open and hide there if you can because no one can let you in if the doors are close. Though most people believe that all of these practices don’t matter, and that we are just wasting time, but in reality we are not. In fact, we are actually learning with this because one day, we might have to face this kind of danger for real.

Next up, the Great California Shakeout.