Bathroom conversations


Machair Ahmat Adam, Staff Writer

Some students think that it is a joke or that it makes them “cool” to vandalize school property. What it really does is show that they are immature.  We are high school students and here to prepare for college. Vandalism is not the type of behavior that should be shown by anyone who will potentially go to college and interact with mature adults.

The following are “thoughts” written on the bathroom stalls found in the girls restroom.  Some of the other writings are full conversations, but full of profanity.

It makes me feel like some of the girls at Hoover have no life or purpose and that their actions are something that are immature and childish. Why not channel that energy into something that is motivational and positive and make a difference. But since majority isn’t, then it’s just dumb

– senior

“I feel disgusted and embarrassed of my school” —Martha

“Although I don’t condone vandalizing conversations and inappropriate language, I have to admit they’re kind of funny” —Hernandez

Sometimes I feel like other schools look down on us because of the inappropriate things written in the bathroom stalls—-sophomore

Hoover students complain about the school’s reputation but if they want to change that perception, they must start taking action and stop vandalizing the school bathrooms. I feel the amount of vandalization in the girls bathroom has drastically increased this year. Some students feel embarrassed of their school and others think it’s entertaining.

The horrendous acts in the girls restrooms cost the school money to fix. That money could have went to better things such as new materials, supplies, or sports. These deeds are from a few girls who are insecure and believe that writing in the stalls is the only way to receive attention and those students need to realize that their behavior is juvenile.

Whether students don’t condone writing in the bathroom stalls or if they think it is funny, vandalizing school property is still wrong and the Hoover staff and students need to take a stance to stop this kind of unacceptable behavior. This portrays a wrong image for our school.