Neutral bathrooms are needed


Jackie Ocampo, Staff Writer

We have many upgrades in Hoover but we need an upgrade for different genders. For years, transgenders don’t know what bathrooms to go to. There are about 30 people in Hoover High School who are transgender and that is a lot more than some schools in the district. Which is why GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) is working on a plan to create transgender bathrooms.

Due to the new building that is currently is being developed, GSA is making a plan of adding transgender bathrooms. The members of GSA plan on meeting with Principal Babineau about the bathrooms and try to convince him to agree on providing gender neutral bathrooms.

The GSA is using their voices for change. Other schools, such as Lincoln and Kearny have already created transgender bathrooms so why not Hoover. Since there are none on campus, transgender students have to get a staff member’s keys or permission to go to a private bathroom in the health center. They have to walk so much that it is a waste of school and work time. Transgender people want their privacy when they go to the bathroom. Most of them do not even go to the bathroom due to not knowing which one to go. It’s unfair for those 30 students to feel uncomfortable when using the bathrooms.

GSA has suggested making a keys for transgender students to use the staff restrooms without anyone going too. But they are careful of what the consequences could be, so hopefully through discussion, they will find a way to make it work. GSA also knows the problem with bullying in schools and they want to make it a safe place for everyone and make them comfortable even in bathrooms.