Organize your year


Alexa Moreno, Staff Writer

I think the students who have been at Hoover High School for a year or more know what to expect from the planner. It’s helpful for the incoming freshmen to have knowledge on the rules with a planner, and they can get used to writing down the important things they need or have to do.

I personally use the planner to write down my assignments I need to do or catch up on. In the beginning of the planner, there’s a section about bullying, dress code, and a map of the campus if you get lost. The incoming freshmen should get the hang of it quickly because there are rules to everything but it’s also there as a friendly reminder. The school’s phone number and address is included if you need to contact someone directly email addresses and phone numbers are in the planner.

I like how there’s a page for ‘days to remember,’ like homecoming or picture day, so check your planner daily. Also on the front of every planner is the student’s academy. Every year you get a new one! On the last few pages of your planner there’s advice like study skills, test taking skills, punctuation, parts of speech, spelling rules, etc. This comes in handy when you need them. It tells you step by step and it’s useful if you’re struggling and get distracted easily.

I don’t think there’s anything bad about the planner, it’s exactly like a regular planner but with more information about the school and helpful tips. People should use it because it’s a good habit to get into and helps you prepare for college. Hoover just wants the best for students and planners are the best to get us into good habits and college ready because they say it’s much harder in college and you can get sidetracked.

I think what might be nice are teenage hotlines because some students might not like opening up to counselors and having hotlines could be useful.