Yahir Rubio

October 6, 2020
Yahir Rubio is 17 years old, and born and raised here in San Diego, California. He is currently a senior at Hoover High School and part of the AOIT academy. He’s been part of the Hoover soccer team since freshmen year and going into his 3rd year on the varsity team. Yahir is outgoing, responsible, successful and fashionable. In his free time, he likes to hang out with his friends, watch sports and play video games. An accomplishment he’ll like to succeed is getting an offer to play soccer and attend college. If that is not accomplished, he will still continue playing for academies or clubs to get to the next levels towards a professional soccer career. Yahir’s family helps him to stay motivated and focus on not giving up and to keep pursuing what he wants towards his future. Music is also a key for him to not get distracted in any type of educational work. His goal for this school year is to have a clean transcript to graduate high school. Although his senior year is different and was never expected to be like this, he’ll try to get the best out of it and enjoy it to its fullest.