Angel Vidal

Adriana Lara, Staff Writer

Angel Vidal was born on August 6, and was born and raised in San Diego, California. He is 17 years of age and a Senior at Hoover High School. Angel is the type of friend that will always find a way to make you smile even on your worst days. He is a positive outgoing person that makes you come out of your little shell. Angel has been a part of Hoover’s wrestling team since his freshman year. He says that it was one of the best choices joining wrestling because he has made lots of close friendships. Even with the pandemic, he hopes he’ll make a physical and mental alteration. He can crack his knuckles when making a fist, not many can do that. A Superpower Angel possesses is mental discipline; when he wants something he works hard in order to achieve it. He is unique in many ways. It’s interesting how he randomly quotes memes, TV shows or movies and maybe one may not understand the references. Angel enjoys snacking on blackberries, loves eating Rajas with chicken, and his favorite drink is peach tea. He hopes for himself that in his future plans he’ll join an apprenticeship for electrical work and move out of state.