My religion is a big part of me

November 9, 2021
I was born and raised Muslim and for me, it’s the small things religion provides that keep me going. Like saying, “Assalam o Alaikum”(peace be upon you), when I encounter every other Muslim, wishing peace to them. Or looking forward to Eid every year. Praying with 200+ people and being embraced and kissed by everyone I haven’t seen in a year. After a two-hour gathering in which everyone prays to God and our Prophet, all your family gives yummy snacks and presents and money. Getting all dressed up, and missing school, to go out and have fun that day.
Realizing you never know when or where you’ll run into another Muslim, and that Muslims come in all different shapes and forms, also is heartwarming. Like the middle-aged Caucasian gentleman who approached my family on the side of the mall and offered to pray with us. Or when some people love it when they see others practicing openly and bring you a gift, especially after you were very shy and scared to do so. Like that random elderly European guy who approached my family and offered us food when he noticed us praying outside a gas station somewhere in Tennessee. He said something along the lines of, “I love this, I love seeing you pray, it warms my heart. Please, have some food”.
As a Muslim, I can be lost in a different city with no contacts, but if I locate a Mosque, people will greet me with open arms and look after me as if I were their own kid. That’s incredible, and I’m sure many of us have already experienced it. I hope that the same folks will be willing to help anyone who is in need. I hope that one day I will have the fortitude and financial resources to assist everyone who is in need, regardless of their background or religious beliefs.