The Formula to More Spirit
Seniors show of their school pride during a football game.
January 15, 2016
Imagine a swarm of students wearing red, black, and white, yelling at the top of their lungs, charged up during the pep rally. Most high schools in the South Bay region are loud and truly represent their school. Hoover, however, is lacking the screaming cheers from the crowds during rallies and the ridiculous outfits that show our dedication to spirit week. The importance of spirit reflects our student body our school and represents our amazing personality and dedication. As a school, it would be awesome to see more than 100 students active and spirited during spirit week.
Having school spirit is what some people would think in their point of view which is screaming out loud at games and representing the school proudly. In our opinion, Hoover High School does not have much school spirit; students from personal observation, only a small amount of students (out of the entire school) seem to have school spirit. These are usually the students who regularly attend games or are participants of different sports, students who get are involved in student life, programs and clubs.
Having school spirit isn’t necessarily associated with “screaming out loud” or “cheering” constantly. To us, having school spirit means being self-involved within the school and helping the school by promoting it with positive reputations. On the other hand, there are a lot of people that do have school spirit. It starts from the teachers/staff, to all of the athletes that play to represent our school, to the alumni (including the people who helps out the admin), who all support on the sidelines by cheering and attending the games.
There are students at Hoover that are willing to get themselves involved, but it’s not enough to boost up the lack of spirit there is at our school. If young teens just thought about changing their mentality a bit on school spirit instead of trying to act “too cool”, they can actually support the school they attend. We believe that the school needs to have more encouragement from students and staff so that more students get involved. This might help students to become more engaged in school activities, have the ambition to represent the school and also change the bad image Hoover High. We believe that the more school spirit Hoover has, the better our reputation will be. School spirit is what defines the students and staff at the school, and we have to represent who we are and what we’re made of towards other schools and the community.
A simple way to show our enthusiasm for Hoover is through more spirit weeks. Spirit week is exciting! Five days of wearing particular colors and clothing articles that relate to the specific spirit day is unordinary and fun. We need more than two spirit weeks a year because students, including myself, love to dress up. Also, we need more spirit weeks that are actually interesting like ‘80s Workout Wednesday or Tacky Tourist Thursday seem fun to do.
In our opinion, Hoover does not seem to have the most amazing school spirit, but we have potential. If we propose creative ideas and suggestions, then we can pull through with them. We can incorporate radical spirit day themes by asking people around school what would suit them. Throughout the school year, we do not have many pep rallies or spirit weeks, which we should change because those type of events make high school exciting and memorable.
“Spirit week is pretty cool,” said senior Jamie Muniz, “It shows how dedicated we are towards our school.”
We can reserve a few random weeks that should be for spirit weeks. Whenever there is a major game for an upcoming sport, we should set a spirit week prior to it because we need the student body pumped up for the season. We might not have the upmost cheerful school, but we do have the potential to raise the bar. For example, when holidays come closer, we can create a week that revolves around it. Just think about it, other schools being jealous of how Hoover has the most spirit in South Bay. Hoover might not be lit now, but if we keep on pushing the spirit, we can be the craziest spirited school in the nation, one more spirit week at a time.