10 Gift Ideas that won’t cost $

Elvis To, Staff Writer

#1 Be Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

  Dress up as Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Put makeup on your face. Be sure to put dress up in festive holiday clothes.

#2 Food

    Homemade cookies, fudge, cakes and pies are some of the best gifts to give to anyone like family members, even your girlfriend or boyfriend.

#3 Origami

       Make an origami figure that will impress anyone.

#4 Write a story

       Write  a story about the person you’re giving the gift to or something else amazing!

#5 Make something that makes family or friends happy.

        Take up knitting and make socks, a beanie, or a blanket.

#6 Have fun with family, boyfriend or girlfriend, and friends.

    You can have fun by playing games with family and friends, for an evening or even a whole day.

#7 Put up Christmas decorations around the house.

   If you have Christmas decorations, gift your time to decorate inside and/or outside your home for your family.

#8 Create a music playlist

       Music, especially your person’s favorite singers or bands, would make a great gift

#9 Drawing what people appreciate the most

       Create a work of art through drawing, sketching, or painting.  Can’t draw, no problem, create a collage of things they love.

#10 Bring flowers

Find wild flowers growing around your city and pick a nice bouquet.