Cesar Chavez
September 16, 2022
Cesar Chavez was born in Yuma, Arizona. He began working as a manual laborer before spending two years in the United States Navy. When he relocated to California, he got involved in the Community Service Organization (CSO) which helped laborers register to vote. Chavez was known as an American Civil Rights Activist. He was also known as an American labor leader. He co-founded the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) which ended up colliding with the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC) which would end up becoming the United Farm Workers (UFW) labor union. He had combined politics with Catholic social teachings. In 1959, he became the CSO´s national director. As years went by, he had begun organizing strikes among farmworkers, the most successful one was the Delano Grape Strike which started in 1965 and lasted for five years and ended in 1970. Chavez was inspired by Gandhi’s nonviolence campaigns. Chavez wanted to emphasize direct but nonviolent tactics which included boycotts that would pressure farm owners into granting the striker´s demands. He had combined his campaigns with religion which had included public processions, masses, and fasts. Chavez received a lot of support from labor groups but was mainly monitored by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Cesar Chavez was a major impact on the world. He motivated and inspired Hispanic people to fight for their own rights and not live through the stereotypes labor unions had put on them.