Ketina Nguyen
October 18, 2022
Born on May 4th and raised in San Diego, Ketina Nguyen is 16 years old and a junior at Hoover High School. She is also a part of the SABE academy.
When it comes to school, she becomes a leader and a super hard worker. She does details and rosters for ROTC, as well as helps plan events with them, so she’s pretty busy. When Ketina isn’t busy, her favorite pastimes are to write creative stories, read, and do whittling. Speaking of reading, her favorite book is Otherside Picnic. For other media, her favorite movie is JoJo Rabbit and her favorite show is Madoka Magica.
After graduating high school, Ketina plans to continue her education at a four year university. She is thinking about majoring in computer science, as well as nursing. As for her future, she wants to be involved in cybersecurity or become a nurse, which correlates perfectly with her majors. In addition to her future, she hopes to have a stable and peaceful one. When Ketina is in a situation where she feels challenged, she takes breaks by reading her favorite stories or asking for help. Although doing the things she loves could get tiring from time to time, she also is intrigued to see the outcome of what she does.