Jazmine Le

Vivian Nguyen, Staff Writer

Jazmine Le is 16 years old and the youngest of her family and currently attending Hoover High School. Her family consists of five siblings and her parents. She is a junior and wishes to graduate and attend her dream college UCSD or Cal Tech College. Jazmine has lived her entire life in San Diego and enjoys it because it is comforting and her hometown.

She describes herself as a “homebody” and an introvert because she enjoys the fine things in life, such as watching movies, shows, baking, kayaking and playing tetris. Although many teenagers enjoy social media, Jazmine appreciates living the present moment to the fullest. She fears spiders and drowning, because she never learned how to swim when she was younger. Her family motivates her to do her best, and she wants to become a computer programmer or robotics engineer when she’s older.

She is the type of person who prefers the cold weather rather than the humid heat. Halloween and Christmas are her prime holidays because the seasonal activities are relaxing to her. Jazmine prefers sweets rather than savory. Personally, her favorite sweets is Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, but she dislikes the Reeses Pieces. At first glance, you would assume Jazmine to be the introverted and quiet person but once you truly get to know her, she’s outgoing and enjoys sharing her interests.

Jazmine is a Key Club representative and dedicates her work to helping others by community service and participating in events. Key club is one of her main clubs she partakes in, but she’s also in IT Girls, Robotics, League of Amazing, Cardinals Interact and so much more. She strives to get out of her comfort zone and try new things which surprises many.