Crossing can be dangerous

Isabella Hernandez, Staff Writer

Hoover High School is a large school that happens to be located on one of the busiest roads in San Diego, El Cajon Boulevard.

Hoover currently has 2,000 plus students attending which means many students have to walk home and walk to school each day. There is one major issue though, the crosswalks are awkward and not clear enough to drivers. Specifically the one added recently right in the middle of the road right in front of the school. There are no lights, signs, or anything actually big and noticeable enough to indicate that it’s an actual crosswalk.

Everyday when I get picked up, I see that the majority of the students that need to walk across are just awkwardly waiting to walk across the street while getting honked at. From a driver’s perspective, it seems like they are just standing in the middle of the road or carelessly jaywalking. Other students don’t pay attention and just run for it which is a major safety hazard. Without a light, the crosswalk looks unfinished and many unobservant drivers don’t tend to notice it. Yesterday while in the car, I saw a group of students cross the street and a driver came speeding down the road and almost hit them.

This isn’t the first time either, after interviewing Hoover students, I’ve learned that this happens almost everyday before and after school. The crosswalk also makes it impossible for people to exit the parking lot after school, as it gets incredibly crowded in that area. That crosswalk needs to be clearer on a busy street like El Cajon Boulevard, and students should not have to “just run for it ” everytime they need to cross the road.

On the list with the Top 10 cities with the worst drivers, San Diego ranks at number six, which is why the crosswalk should be higher on the list of our concerns.  Below is a list of offices that you can contact and voice your concerns.

Community Organizations

City Heights Area Planning Committee (CHAPC)
First Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m.
Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans Offices
4089 Fairmount Avenue
Chair: Russ Connelly

City Heights Town Council
First Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m.
Mid City Police Station
4310 Landis St.
Chair: Taylor McDonald

City Heights Business Association
Second Wednesday of every month at 8:00 a.m.
4305 University Avenue, Suite 540
Executive Director: Enrique Gandarilla, (619) 906-4443

El Cajon Boulevard Business Improvement Association
Third Thursday every month from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
3727 El Cajon Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92105