Juan Rubio is a 16 year old Junior in Hoover High School. His birthday is June 9th, and he represents the ALMA Academy. Juan is a funny yet dependable person to have in life. His favorite subject at the moment is AP Chem with Mr. Mellinger. In his freshman year, he joined the well known Hoover organization CI, known as Cardinals Interact. He has a great interest in sharks, and how many species there are. He recommends the anime, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, to everyone because of how many elements of artwork and dedication put into it. Juan’s GPA stands at a 3.44, and is still earning as many A’s as he can. One class he took interest in was ASB with Ms.Briana. He loves tacos, any kind he’ll eat; they’re so flavorful and enjoyable to him. Although he doesn’t have any special or favorite moments, his girlfriend however holds a very special place in his heart. Thinking about going to college is what inspires Juan to come to class when he can, in order to succeed. His favorite movie is Django Unchained starring Jamie Fox and Christopher Waltz. His favorite actor is Daniel Kaluuya which also answers the next question; DC or Marvel? Juan chose Marvel because of Spiderman, and Daniel Kaluuya plays as Spider-Punk in the Spiderman movie Spiderman:Across the Spider-Verse. Juan tries to have everyone in the best mood possible. He’s a jokester, but when things are serious, Juan is always there to listen, to be a friend in need.
Juan Rubio

Natalie Molina is a junior in Hoover High School. Her birthday is March 21st and she enjoys hanging out with friends, and still playing Animal Crossing but barely. Music brings Natalie peace and helps her disconnect from the outside world. This is her 2nd year of yearbook and excited to be an editor!
Natalie and friends are in a so-so situation for her. She either wants to be alone or needs someone to hang with. Being a massive introvert comes with its hardships but a gateway of opportunity. She tries to make everyone satisfied with how she behaves, but at the same time, she loves to be open to any funny, silly situation.
Although sports are not something she excels in, she really depends on academics as one of her safe places. If Natalie understands the curriculum, she excels in that category. Anything academic, Natalie is a scholar. No matter how hard it is or even how easy it is, she tries her best and works hard to achieve the highest she can receive.
She isn’t excited about her junior year at the moment but hopefully, she can change herself for the better like she hopes to. With all the obstacles in her way, she breaks through them with help and support from everyone around her.