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The student news site of Hoover High School

The Cardinal

The student news site of Hoover High School

The Cardinal


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You will suffer later


Plagiarism is the practice of action of taking someone else’s work or ideas and claiming them as their own. You can plagiarize by copying  large paragraphs of a site without citing the source, taking credit for another author’s work, piecing them together and then copying it word for word but changing a couple of words. Another thing people use to copy or plagiarize is Artificial Intelligence or AI.

AI is the intelligence of a machine or computer, and people have used AI for so many things and now they are also using it for ideas and to copy from. AI is very big right now; it is used in 77 percent of the devices that people use and in a recent study, may potentially contribute 15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. Plagiarism can not hurt only the person that plagiarized but also the person they plagiarized from. The people who have plagiarized have been expelled from schools,  face lawsuits from the person they plagiarized from, and subjected to academic problems and disciplinary action.  Plagiarism hurts universities because of school integrity, and can destroy reputations. The fundamental rules of school integrity are honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility which all can be lost due to plagiarism and/or the use of AI.

AI can change words and phrases with the intention of avoiding plagiarism detection software, but now there are specialized detection tools to help with finding AI plagiarism like Turinitn’s AI. I am 16 years old and of course I have plagiarized because we have all use it when we didn’t want to do the work, didn’t understand the topic, didn’t know what to write about, want to find actual information, didn’t want to type all of the words, take the easy way, and sometimes because you don’t have time to type the whole article. But I have never used AI to plagiarize.

I have an Android and basically it has an assistant that is an AI but I don’t use it.  I didn’t even know you could use AI to write about topics, essays, or even argumentative essays until a couple days ago. But if I would have known you could do that before, honestly I would have probably used it but I’m happy I never did because of all the consequences of using the AI or just plagiarizing in general.

I remember on multiple assignments I would copy and paste any site or article that had the answer to my question. I would then paste it on the assignment then turn it in. But during my high school years, I have done that once and now I find it better to research and learn because personally, I find enjoyment from finishing something that I made or typed myself because I actually tried and did it myself.

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About the Contributor
Jaylah Storey
Jaylah Storey, Staff Writer
Jaylah Storey is currently a student at Hoover High School, and is a junior this school year. She likes roller skating but isn't that good at it. She hates heights and will pass out on a rollercoaster. Jaylah has a goal of making it on the  honor role and going to a university, where she can study psychology and become a therapist. Her role model is  her dad, and his name is Johnathan Mitchell. He did 10 years in service and was a “Look at the bright side” type of person. She doesn’t know what college she wants to go to but she wants to become a family therapist or a fashion designer. Jaylah wants to help change the world by educating the people here in the world. Society can make the world a better place by just helping other people because if we all helped each other their world would be a better place.