During the summer of 2023, teachers Ms. Jane Westfall and Ms. Val Woodfil designed a project based learning project with the help of Ms. Briana Desingano and Mr. Chase Fite. This was in response to the community schools’ findings that mental health is a priority to all Hoover’s stakeholders.

“What I loved the most was how classmates got together and partnered up to help research about mental health and spread awareness that you are not alone,” said Valeria Castillo. “There are many different techniques and ways that you can use to go help with stress that can impact you life in a negative way.”
The PBL project was shared in the 10th grade AHHC classes in November. The Cardinal Self-Care Fair was created and designed and overseen by students. The booths included art therapy, animal therapy, suicide prevention, nutrition, breathing therapy and much, much more.
“The fair exemplified Cardinal P.R.I.D.E. and Hoover student excellence,” expressed academy director Ms. Ellen Hohenstein. “We are proud of their hard work and appreciate the generous support of our partners UCSD School of Psychiatry.”

According to Ms. Hohenstein, one goal of the fair was to expose Hoover students to low cost strategies that could help them reduce stress and improve their mental health. Hoover is fortunate to have a health center on its campus. There are also other resources and organizations that students can find help when needed.
The following organizations were present at the fair: Healthy Start/Wellness Center, Mending Matters, Health Corps, Community Wellness, ESMERA, La Maestra, Center for Community Solutions, SWEAR, Aspen Challenge, SDUSD Counseling Department, CCTE, IMIN.