According to the administration, a new bathroom policy called Bathroom Escort, will roll out when students return from the spring break.
Hoover’s main priority and goal is to make their school a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. The new rule mandates students who need to use the restroom, to be escorted to and from class during their Bathroom Break that will be held during every period, 30 minutes after class starts. Teachers who are on their prep period will be assigned classrooms to pick up and walk with a group of 6 students, 3 girls and 3 boys, and they will only have 5 minutes to use the bathroom.
This new policy was created due to bad bathroom behavior such as ditching, smoking/vaping, and vandalism. Based on the amount of reports of this behavior, they believed that this is the best method that will help students have better attendance and be more engaged in their classes. If any student were to be found without an authentic pass, or an administrator, punishment will be a 3 day lunch detention, followed up by a mandatory contract which will require to get signed off by parents as they are informed of their child’s behavior. Parents will be notified of this new rule via voicemail and email.
There will be an assembly held on April 8th in the Performing Arts Complex during 3rd period to inform students and teachers. This policy will be implemented during Quarter 4, on April 15th of 2024 and will follow up until the next school year.