I don’t think that they should ban tiktok. They should just make it safer so users are able to use it safely without having to fear their private information being collected.
The creators of social media should be responsible for the app not being safe enough and should be able to fix or add tools to the app to make sure that the users are staying safe throughout the time they have downloaded it. I personally think that tiktok is a cool app because not only is it entertaining but I also learn so much from it. I don’t think that it should be banned just because there are some unsafe privacy problems because it can be fixed. Plus there are many other problems in the world so I don’t get why they’re worried about an app being taken down just because there is private information being collected when there are so much worse things going on.
A lot of people also enjoy tiktok and use it as a way to express the way they feel and also receive help in many ways like by watching a helpful video that someone else posted and it talks about mental health. I think that it’s a nice app to have because you get to connect with other people and get to see how many other people you can relate to. At least that’s what I personally like about tiktok. In a way tiktok is what keeps most of us going because we use it as a distraction from the real world problems. I just don’t think it should be banned because there are other apps who are most likely doing the same and I just think that the reason why they want to ban it is not as reasonable and has so many other ways on how to solve the problem without having to take the whole app down.