How to Deal with Rejection

Michelle Rodriguez, Opinion Editor

College applications have been submitted, prom is approaching and many of us are looking for relationships or new friendships. We are waiting upon so many things and have high hopes for positive outcomes. Unfortunately, the truth is that what we expect and wish for is not always what we get. In reality, no matter how much we want to, we do not always win or receive our wishes easily. Rejection is a normal part of life and I guarantee that you will experience it more than once throughout your lifetime, especially in high school.

Nothing hurts a dedicated student more than being denied from your dream school. You have your whole life planned out at some beautiful university and picture yourself studying and being happily successful. It all comes crumbling down when you get some concise yet passively harsh letter of rejection. It is utterly terrible, but let me ensure you that it is not the end of the world and that you will be okay. You are smart and you are worthy of a university that will appreciate you and your immense potential. If anything you were rejected simply because you and your destiny were not meant to be there. You are meant to be somewhere else where you can be the greatest you fully can and shine through with success. No matter what school you go to, you will still do amazingly if you stay true to yourself and the magnitude of your capabilities

With that out of the way, let’s move on to prom (or any other dance of that sort). Asking that one special person is a great act of courage. If they end up saying no do not beat yourself up for it. You tried and went out of your comfort zone to do something highly risky and nerve-wracking. Don’t let that rejection ruin your experience at a once in a lifetime high school experience. Enjoy prom with friends, dance your little heart out and make great memories. You are awesome and that person who said no probably doesn’t know how to have fun.

Last, but not least, is the complex concept of relationships. No one likes to be lonely. Many of us high schoolers are in pursuit of finding a sweet significant other. We develop crushes and make the choice to take the next step forward. Asking someone out has to be one of the most terrifying things ever. We hope that the person we ask will say yes and fall in love and ride off into the sunset with us…but that kind of stuff only happens in movies. If your crush ends up totally blowing you off do not let it take a toll on your self-esteem. It does not make you any less worthy of being loved or in any way mean that you are unattractive or undesirable. Quite simply, that person was just not meant for you…kind of like that college you were rejected from. The point is that there is someone else out there waiting for somebody just like you. They will adore every single cell in your body and make you feel like the greatest thing to have ever walked this planet. You just have to be patient.

Rejection can be a hurtful thing but do not let it scare you or discourage you from doing and accomplishing the things you want to do. I promise that the successes and positive outcomes that await you will one hundred percent outweigh these miniscule setbacks in life. Always remember you are great and strong and capable of great things.