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The student news site of Hoover High School

The Cardinal

  • February 10It's Spirit Week! Monday - Pajama Day...Tuesday - Twin Flame Day...Wednesday - Decades of Love...Thursday - Status Update Day! Show that Cardinal Pride!!! Come to the rally on Thursday at lunch in the big gym!!! Remember February 14 and 17 are holidays, no school!
The student news site of Hoover High School

The Cardinal

The student news site of Hoover High School

The Cardinal

Antonio Perez

Antonio Perez , Staff Writer

Antonio Perez is a senior student at Hoover High School. He’s seventeen years old and is the oldest, two sisters, one in kindergarten and one in tenth grade, and a my littlebrother that’s about to turn seven months. I also have a dog named Max, he’s 3 years old. He’s always a nice person to others  because you never know if that someone is going through hard times out of school and just needs some kindness. He’s also noticed that some of his friends come up to him either for some advice or just someone that’s there to hear them because they know that he cares about them and he’s there when they need something. Some people may know he’s a dancer and is a car lover. He learned to earn his own money, thanks to his dad for showing him the things he’d need in order for him to be successful.

All content by Antonio Perez
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Sapuala Pen

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February 26, 2018
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February 4, 2018
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