Students have many rights such as free education, and equal opportunity meaning no student should be discriminated against for their gender, race, religion, etc. While these are important I think a student’s most important right is to an environment that is safe and protected from harassment.
Harassment can take many different forms like physical, verbal, or sexual. But regardless of what kind, school is no place for it, and it is important for a student’s right to a safe school to be protected. Experiencing harassment can seriously affect a student and their ability to do well in school. The National Institutes of Health reported that harassment can lead to one having depression, PTSD, low self-esteem, and anxiety. All of these would significantly impact not only how a student does in school, but their mental health and lives. The moment a student steps foot in school, the school is responsible for them. It is their job to make sure students are safe and take action when they are not.
Unfortunately, there have been times when a school does not protect their student’s rights. In 2004 a case was filed against the Rhinebeck Central School District and their former principal by students and an employee. The students alleged that the district knew about the principal’s behavior and sexual harassment of many students and did nothing in response. The court ruled that the district must reevaluate its harassment policies and take steps to create a safe environment for students where sexual harassment is not tolerated. Similarly in 2019, a group of parents claimed that the Burlington School District took no action against the harassment that many students were allegedly facing. The court also ruled that it is the district’s job to address harassment and ensure that all students are protected.
In both these cases of harassment in school, the courts agreed that districts must protect a student’s right to a safe learning environment, which means addressing harassment. A student can not learn properly if they feel unsafe or have personally been affected by harassment. A school’s purpose is to teach students and prepare them for adulthood and life. However, they are failing at their goal if students cannot properly learn because they feel uncomfortable in their environment.