Apex Legends 8 coming soon!
February 1, 2021
If you enjoy first person battle royal type games, Apex Legends is the perfect game for you. Apex Legends was developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronics Arts. Apex’s first launch was on February 4, 2019 and it caught everyone off guard. Apex was launched without any previous marketing to Xbox One, Playstation 4, Microsoft Windows, and it’s coming soon on the Nintendo Switch. Even though it had no marketing, Apex had 20 million players in its first week and over 50 million by the end of the month. It’s currently gone through 7 seasons and in just a couple of days season 8 is going to be released tomorrow, February 2.
Apex Legends is an online multiplayer game with a squad made of two or three people. Apex is unique because there are different characters called “legends” with their own abilities to put your team in an advantage. There are currently 15 different legends who you can play as. Every season comes with a new battle pass and a new legend. The battle pass has to be purchased with money to get unique items to unlock as your progress through the battle pass. To level up the battle pass you have, you have to keep playing and complete certain challenges. The Apex experience is like no other. There are 20 different weapons you can choose of your liking and there is also armor to protect you from incoming damage. Everything is fast paced, and if you get caught behind the chances of you surviving are very low. Once you engage in a fight, people will start showing up and try to finish off what you started. You can engage in as many fights as you want, just watch out for your ammo and the ring. The ring forces players to stay in a certain area to fight, but if you go outside the ring you’ll take on damage and eventually die so keep an eye out for it.
Apex Legends is hands down one of the best battle royal games. You can have plenty of fun or rage quit and break your controller. However, the game is all about skill. Remember, Apex is solely for entertainment purposes, so please play responsibly.