It’s the small things

Sometimes the smallest gift can have the biggest impact or meaning to us. It can be material or just a kind gesture. Whatever it may be, it is something that people cherish forever.


Jana Nguyen, Staff Writer

I remember vividly of the day that my mother gifted me the gold bracelet that wraps around my wrist.

It was the day of my 14th birthday. I woke up an hour before my mother left for work. I was applying lotion onto my cheek when I heard my mother calling me from the kitchen. My sister and I both rushed out, “Happy Birthday Jana and Kathy,” she exclaims as she wraps one arm around both of us bringing us into a hug. We wrap our arms around her and we stay like that for a couple more seconds. We all sat down and just ate breakfast together.

My mom stood up and brought her dishes towards the sink to put them away. A few minutes go by and Kathy and I do the same. When we walked into the room, we saw our mom applying sunscreen, she glanced over at us and cracked a smile because she was on the phone with one of her co-workers. We laid on the bed just using our phones to reply to happy birthday texts from our friends and families. My mom called our names which snapped our attention to her direction.

“I have a surprise for you both!” My mom said with excitement which made her face glow. There was a bunch of screaming and clapping coming from Kathy and I about the gift from my mother. She bent down and took these two square boxes from the bottom drawers, one was blue and one was red. Our eyes were in awe as her eyes smiled at us while handing us the boxes. There was a gold bracelet inside the box. We both hugged her really big.

From that day on, that bracelet became one of my most valuable possessions.