Ms. Kha

The staff at The Cardinal express who their most influential teachers are in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week!

Jasmin Gallegos, Staff Writer

My most influential teacher is the AP World History teacher, Ms. Kha. She may be strict at times but she genuinely cares about her students and their grades. She always gives us great resources to help us better understand the lessons. She is also really funny and seems to always have a comeback ready. I usually go to her classroom for lunch and it’s very peaceful. She plays a movie and is around in case any of us need help with homework. Occasionally, she has cookies for us or she’ll pass out candy. In the beginning of the year, she was not my favorite teacher but as time has gone on she became less strict and class is more entertaining. Currently she is preparing us for the AP world exam by giving us realistic practices so we are well prepared for the day of. She is also giving us videos and maps so we better understand the material that will be on the test. She is really trying her best to make sure we are ready for the exam. Overall, Ms.Kha is my most influential teacher because she is a great teacher (making lessons interesting) and she is really fun to be around once you get to know her.