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The student news site of Hoover High School

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The student news site of Hoover High School

The Cardinal


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Not all Thanksgivings are alike


The thing I love about Thanksgiving is the delicious food I will eat, like macaroni and cheese, chicken, turkey, ham, stuffing, cabbage, yams with marshmallows, and greens.

Last Thanksgiving, I was with all my sister’s and some of my cousins at my big cousin’s house. My big cousin was having Thanksgiving and a housewarming party because she just bought her house and wanted to show the family what it looked like and told us we could come over anytime. My sisters Nae Nae and Akira came but my eldest sister Cierra couldn’t make it because she was out of town in Phoenix, Arizona.  Also, my mom couldn’t make it because she was at work but said she might come after the party.

My family all greeted me and I was happy to see them.  They told jokes, put pounds of food on my plate, told me how “old” I’m getting, saying I should come see them more, and just gave me hugs and kisses. My cousins are all so funny. A lot of them are younger than me but don’t know it so they are shocked when they found out I was a sophomore in high school. I don’t really know how or why they thought I was younger than them but they just thought I was.

Then my auntie was asking about what I’m going to do for my birthday since it was three months away and if I was excited to turn sixteen, which I was excited about. I was happy and full but my family told me I should take lots of leftovers, drinks, candy, chips, and cookies. I was happy though because I love food and I will always take the food that I am offered. Then my mom called and told me she was coming to pick me up and we left home, so Thanksgiving was great last year, and I hope it will be just as fun this year too.

~ Jaylay Storey


Thanksgiving… a time where we are thankful and spend our days around family and friends. Though this describes my family, my family and I aren’t out of a movie.

We don’t spend Thanksgiving the way it’s portrayed in movies; we don’t gather around a long wooden table where candles are lit, with lots of traditional Thanksgiving foods, including turkey, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, and pumpkin pie that had been set perfectly. We don’t take turns going around the table saying what we’re thankful for. Instead, my family and I go to a family friend’s house.

Throughout the years, for as long as I can remember, the house I would go to, the family cooks the traditional Thanksgiving foods. We would come early, hang out for a little bit while waiting for the table to be set. There would be a childrens’ table, and an adults’ table, but we still sat near each other, we all felt like one whole family, a family to be thankful for. We would say thanks, congratulate others on accomplishments, and more. However, in my most recent years, we went to a different family friend’s house.

The entire meal did not consist of the traditional Thanksgiving cuisine. We included cultural meals, foods like spring and egg rolls, vermicelli noodles, coconut jello, etc. Foods like king crabs and wings also made an appearance. We still enjoy Thanksgiving despite the missing turkey and pumpkin pie. Aside from the feast itself, there are now no “childrens’ table” and “adults’ table”. As I’ve grown, I no longer had to sit at a table solely for younger people. Even my younger sister joins me, as I join the adults at one big table. This small change is something I’m thankful for; being able to experience little things like this, that indicates I’m growing.

~ Nathalia Truong


Thanksgiving is a federal holiday where you give thanks, prayer, feasting, spending time with family, religious services, football games, parades. Others may do all of the above or only a few of the above.

For Thanksgiving, my brother, my mom, and myself go to my aunt’s house around 5 pm.  At my aunt’s house I say hi to my Tio, Tia, and both of my cousins, and her then boyfriend now husband. Once the greetings are over we all sit down while my Tia finishes up the food and puts them on the counter that they have which is curved and big enough to hold all the food. When my Tia says “ A comer!”, that’s when a line forms, and we let my Tio and Tia go first out of respect and then the rest of us just line up and wait till they’ve got their food.

Both my Tia and cousin make Ham instead of turkey, mac salad, twice baked potato casserole, and Salad along with Horchata. My mom bakes cheddar bay biscuits and makes all the veggie sides like potato salad, deviled eggs,  asparagus with sweet bell peppers, and sauteed carrots and potatoes.  My personal favorite is the twice baked potato casserole and baked cheddar bay biscuits, these are soooo good.

Once everyone has grabbed food my aunt says a prayer we all say “Amen” and we eat. When we are eating we compliment the food because it’s so good, we also tell funny stories and talk chisme. After we’re done eating we continue to talk, laugh, and make jokes. After a while my Tia will bring out a pumpkin pie with whip cream and that’s our dessert. When the pumpkin pie comes out I get excited. I love pumpkin pie and my Tia knows it. Then we again talk, laugh, make jokes, talk about chisme in the family, and when my mom gets tired, which is at like 10 0r 10:30 we say our goodbyes and go home.

~ Belen Alonso

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About the Contributors
Jaylah Storey
Jaylah Storey, Staff Writer
Jaylah Storey is currently a student at Hoover High School, and is a junior this school year. She likes roller skating but isn't that good at it. She hates heights and will pass out on a rollercoaster. Jaylah has a goal of making it on the  honor role and going to a university, where she can study psychology and become a therapist. Her role model is  her dad, and his name is Johnathan Mitchell. He did 10 years in service and was a “Look at the bright side” type of person. She doesn’t know what college she wants to go to but she wants to become a family therapist or a fashion designer. Jaylah wants to help change the world by educating the people here in the world. Society can make the world a better place by just helping other people because if we all helped each other their world would be a better place.
Nathalia Truong
Nathalia Truong, Staff Writer
Nathalia Truong is a 15 year old sophomore at Hoover High School. She likes watching shows and movies, as well as listening to music. Whether it may be a really long series or a short horror film, something about cinema is comforting. She can’t go a day without listening to music. You may see her around campus, and when you do, she’s never without her airpods. Guaranteed, songs are blasting through them. She dislikes not knowing what her future holds. Just thinking about what could’ve been, makes her anxious as is, but thinking about what could be, overthrows what could’ve been. Though she fears not knowing what the future may hold, one of her biggest goals in life is being able to live a life that is to be proud of. This goal is something she looks forward to achieving, but as of right now, her main goal is to figure out what she wants to do after high school. Almost everyone knows what path they’ll take after high school, except her. She knows she should go to college, but she doesn’t know what major would be a good fit for her. Nathalia does the bare minimum to keep the world around her afloat. However, to start changing it, she’ll start doing above the minimum. Society always thinks to make the world a better place, but before doing so, society needs to make themselves better. Nathalia works on bettering herself everyday, in hopes of bettering what’s around her.
Belen Alonso
Belen Alonso, Staff Writer

Belen Alonso is a sophomore who played varsity soccer last year and hopes to play again this upcoming season. Soccer makes Belen feel at home and comfortable. Belen likes to “run in the field like a silly goose”- Dhalia Arrianga. She loves the feeling of when the cool air hits her and especially likes it when she gets to play games in the rain. This makes her feel a certain way because the feeling of the water falling on her keeps her refreshed, and she thinks of movie scenes. Belen loves cloudy days even if she might complain about them. Sometimes she loves them. The feeling that it gives off is just a “magical” feeling. She is very indecisive when it comes to certain things except for food. Belen is a food fan and loves Filibertos taco shop.

To change the world Belen wants to not litter as much. She says that even though this is a small thing to do, it contributes to the stop of climate change. Her reasoning behind it is that pollution contributes to pollution so if she stops littering as much she can be part of the cause to stop pollution and better the world. Society can focus on themselves and what they do instead of trying to check everybody else. Belen says that you can only help others if you have helped yourself first.