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The student news site of Hoover High School

The Cardinal

The student news site of Hoover High School

The Cardinal


What do you plan on getting better at for the spring semester?

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On to the spring semester!

As we start a new semester, some of our staff members have moved on but express their hopes and dreams, not only personally, but for their peers, families, and the world as well.

Now that it’s the end of the semester, it’s a good time for me to reflect. I’ve done many things well this semester/year and I’ve made mistakes. Next semester, I hope to continue to do all of the things I’ve done well but also improve on certain things, especially the things I’ve done mediocre on. I liked every one of my classes this semester and passed every one. Next semester, I hope to do as well as I have done, if not more. My hopes, that are not academically related, are to stick to the processes I chose to put myself through to achieve my goals. Tolerance and dedication are the two things I hope to not run out of when starting the next semester. I wish to improve my mental health as well. However, as for my family, I hope we can connect with one another and be able to support each other more. For my peers, I hope they achieve their goals and are able to reach their hopes and dreams, because life does not end at school, or a semester, and it continues even after high school. I hope as we graduate, the world continues to grow and change for the better.

Nathalia Truong ’26


For the next semester, I would like to keep up with my grades. For example I would like to keep the grades I have now except instead of one B, I would have all As. Next semester is going to be hard because I won’t have yearbook, instead I’m going to have physics. I don’t think it will be hard, well I do because I don’t like physics. I’ve just gotten used to yearbook and I don’t like new things. I will get used to it because I have to but I won’t necessarily like it. Also, I would also like to keep my head focused and not get distracted easily. I really do hope that my grades stay how they are because I have a Mexican mom and Mexican moms don’t play. Next semester I’ll also be taking my AP World test so I hope I pass that or all this hard work will be for nothing. That’s going to be really sad if I don’t pass it, though I am telling myself I will because I gotta have a good mindset. That’s what I hope happens next semester. Even though I said about myself, I’m not selfish but when you get older you realize that you can’t worry about other people or other things. In order to get locked in you gotta lock everyone and everything else out.

Belen Alonso ’26


For the new year I have many plans for myself, my family and my peers. I hope for all of us to stay safe in health and learn from our previous mistakes in that last year so we can improve on ourselves to be ultimate great versions of ourselves this new year. For myself I have many plans including being able to earn my drivers permit so I can finally drive myself. This has been on my list for a while and I hope to finally meet the goal this year and start driving. Another goal I have is to pass all my classes this year with good grades and in November or December get accepted into good colleges that will help me on my career path to go to nursing school and become a registered nurse. My hope for the world this new year is that we finally find a way to combat climate change to protect not only ourselves but our earth. I hope that this year the world will become a better place and all the genocide that’s happening with Palestine is resolved. I hope for all my family and peers to have a great and enjoyable year with many happy memories.

Fidel Cabrera ’25


This year I want to feel more sure of myself. Not exactly for security reasons but more sure of what I am meant to do in life. Leading up to this year, I never felt sure of what I could do in my life and my career was always constantly changing because I was never sure of what I wanted to do. By the end of the year I want to feel accomplished because starting this year I already feel like I have done so much more for my future than I ever had in the past. For my family I want them to feel safe where they are in life. I want them to feel like there is nothing stopping them from being successful. I understand how hard life can be but I want them to be sure of what they have because they have already done so much as well. In the world, I expect real change to many problems going on right now. There has been so much hatred and evil in the world just at the start of this year and I would like everything to be a better place for everyone in this world. Ultimately in the new year, I expect some growth throughout the world. A new chance to create something better for each other.

Yamileth Hernandez ’24


When I think about the ending of the first semester, I can’t hope but feel joyful for this. Being on the yearbook staff has made me meet new peers that I had in my other classes. I will miss those guys a lot. I feel joy because I know how it feels to be in their shoes when I was in their grade. I want them to have a great high school experience with lots of fond memories. I hope that entering this year, I wish for a better year than last year. I want to really make changes as I enter my adult life and the fact that I really am growing up. It hits me to think that I used to be an innocent kid in middle school not worrying about life or adulting. The other half of me is ready to take on a new journey to becoming an adult. I hope to continue on trying in school for the rest of the year. I want to graduate and walk that stage to not only make my parents proud but myself too. You never know what someone’s story may be but knowing that my high school run comes to an end is exciting.  I want you to know Mr. Heu, thank you for being that cool teacher I can randomly talk to about whatever comes to mind, and being that teacher who I can play around and joke around with. I always had a laugh or smile being in your class. I hope you keep spreading and being that chill teacher you are. I will always remember the good memories I had in your class with everyone.

Gerardo Flores ’24

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About the Contributors
Nathalia Truong
Nathalia Truong, Staff Writer
Nathalia Truong is a 15 year old sophomore at Hoover High School. She likes watching shows and movies, as well as listening to music. Whether it may be a really long series or a short horror film, something about cinema is comforting. She can’t go a day without listening to music. You may see her around campus, and when you do, she’s never without her airpods. Guaranteed, songs are blasting through them. She dislikes not knowing what her future holds. Just thinking about what could’ve been, makes her anxious as is, but thinking about what could be, overthrows what could’ve been. Though she fears not knowing what the future may hold, one of her biggest goals in life is being able to live a life that is to be proud of. This goal is something she looks forward to achieving, but as of right now, her main goal is to figure out what she wants to do after high school. Almost everyone knows what path they’ll take after high school, except her. She knows she should go to college, but she doesn’t know what major would be a good fit for her. Nathalia does the bare minimum to keep the world around her afloat. However, to start changing it, she’ll start doing above the minimum. Society always thinks to make the world a better place, but before doing so, society needs to make themselves better. Nathalia works on bettering herself everyday, in hopes of bettering what’s around her.
Belen Alonso
Belen Alonso, Staff Writer

Belen Alonso is a sophomore who played varsity soccer last year and hopes to play again this upcoming season. Soccer makes Belen feel at home and comfortable. Belen likes to “run in the field like a silly goose”- Dhalia Arrianga. She loves the feeling of when the cool air hits her and especially likes it when she gets to play games in the rain. This makes her feel a certain way because the feeling of the water falling on her keeps her refreshed, and she thinks of movie scenes. Belen loves cloudy days even if she might complain about them. Sometimes she loves them. The feeling that it gives off is just a “magical” feeling. She is very indecisive when it comes to certain things except for food. Belen is a food fan and loves Filibertos taco shop.

To change the world Belen wants to not litter as much. She says that even though this is a small thing to do, it contributes to the stop of climate change. Her reasoning behind it is that pollution contributes to pollution so if she stops littering as much she can be part of the cause to stop pollution and better the world. Society can focus on themselves and what they do instead of trying to check everybody else. Belen says that you can only help others if you have helped yourself first.

Fidel Cabrera
Fidel Cabrera, Media Designer
Fidel Cabrera is a 16 years old Latino junior that attends Hoover High School in San Diego California. He comes from a small town in Durango, Mexico which he visits regularly. His goals for the future is to become a cosmetic nurse and attend nursing school after high school. The reason for this career is he wants to be able to help people improve themselves in a way that will make them more confident in there bodies. What inspires him to achieve that career is his parents. He wants to be able to give them a better life with a new income and support them financially so they can retire and he also wants to make them proud. Fidels favorite food is tacos, and though he really loves all kinds, his favorite taco spot is Tacos El Gordo. Fidel loves listening to music, and his favorite artist is Alex G.  He really loves all his music His favorite song of his is "Race" and Race is also his favorite album. Fidel also enjoys Alex Gs newer album God Save the Animals which he says is also a really good album. What he thinks he could do to the change the world is start a non profit charity once he has establishes a new career with a stable income, the non profit charity would be to help first gen Latino students with expenses such as college application fees. To make the world a better place Fidel believes society should come together to create a way to end climate change to keep planet earth safe.
Yamileth Hernandez
Yamileth Hernandez, Staff Writer
Yamileth Hernandez is a 17 year old Mexican-American that attends Hoover High School. Yamileth is graduating this year and is very indecisive about what her future could possibly look like, Yamileth's favorite thing to do is listen to music, and she uses music as a form of relaxation. Her role models would be all three of her older sisters because they have accomplished so much and she hopes to do the same. As of right now she doesnt know exactly what her career could be but she hopes to explore the medical field. Yamileth is very true to her Mexican side, because all of her favorite foods are Mexican dishes and can not decide which one is her favorite. What she would do to try to change the world would be to bring a positive and free environment where everyone is equal and appreciated. She believes it can feel unattainable but she also believes in our community and sees it as a goal that has to be met with the help of everyone else. What she believes society needs to do is be open to new things. Society tries to shut out a lot of people and ideas. She thinks a lot would be solved and it would make the world a beautiful place.
Gerardo Flores
Gerardo Flores, Associate Editor
Gerardo Flores is a senior at Hoover High School and was born on February 20, in San Diego California. He is a part of the AHHC which stands for Academy of Health and Healthier Communities. His hobbies include biking, hiking, skating, playing video games, going to the gym, playing football, swimming, and hanging out with friends. The type of food he likes is seafood and Mexican food. Gerardo’s favorite drink is C4 Energy. He will drink any flavor. Gerardo is a really active person. After high school, he plans to join the military and go to college. He wants to study to become a doctor or surgeon. Gerardo is the type of friend who will try to put a smile on your face even on your worst days. He is a chill, understanding, and outgoing person. His favorite tv show is Spongebob Squarepants. Yes! Sponge Squarepants. You read that right. Gerardo says he is a kid at heart and loves to watch cartoons. His favorite movie is Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Gerardo is a hard working student who plans to do his best to succeed in life. Gerardo’s vision to change the world would be to find what makes everyone at peace with themselves.