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The student news site of Hoover High School

The Cardinal

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The student news site of Hoover High School

The Cardinal

The student news site of Hoover High School

The Cardinal

Olivia Aceves

Olivia Aceves, Staff Writer

Olivia Aceves is a high school senior . She’s a 17 year old mixed woman, she’s mixed with Black and Mexican. Her mom is Black and Mexican and her dad is Mexican, however, she was raised on her mom’s Black side of the family so she identifies as Black.

She has an older brother named Jorge, he’s her brother and best friend. He taught her many things such as fighting, driving, skating, and many more. He is a huge influence on her and he’s one of the many reasons she wants to be a lawyer. Her brother has always been there for her and spent his childhood taking care of her and making sure that she’s ready for the world, she always knew she could count on her brother and no one can mean as much to her as her brother, mom, and dad.

She was born August 31, which makes her a virgo and she’s a strong believer of zodiac signs. Her zodiac sign explains her perfectly. she analyzes everything, she gets along with almost everyone, she’s super friendly, loyal, and determined. Virgos are the best zodiac sign due to the fact that all icons are virgos. For example, Michael Jackson, Beyonce, Tim Burton, Zendaya, and her are virgos. She’s the best person you’ll ever meet if you get to know her and if your on her good side. She’s very nice although she may look mean, it’s just her face, but she’s only mean if you annoy her  and she gets annoyed very easily, she’s also aggressive and down for anything. However, never underestimate her. Olivia is a loud, kind, loving, spiritual, goofy girl and if you get the chance to be her friend or have her in your life, keep her close because everyone needs a little bit of Olivia in their life.

All content by Olivia Aceves