Darianna Sprewell, Staff Writer
Darianna Sprewell was born in California on October 26. She is in the 10th grade and is currently 14 years old. She will graduate in the year of 2023. Darianna is taking publications because she wants to be more involved with photography becauseĀ as she grows older, she wants to be a professional photographer. Her current role model is her grandfather who had passed a while back in 2018. Before she came to Hoover High, she attended the Steam Academy Middle School. Darianna’s moms side of the family is from Long Beach, California and her dads side is from San Diego. Darianna believes some people around the world don’t take this virus serious or wear masks because they don’t believe they can or will catch this deadly virus. Darianna thinks a way to be safer during this pandemic is staying in side or incase of you being outside social distance yourself at least six feet or more with a mask around other people.