Jose Tavizon , Staff Writer
Jose was born in Chula Vista. At three days old he and his mother left to live in Mexico. There he started school but felt a bit lonely so he asked for a little brother. Soon his mother became pregnant and they had to leave back to the U.S for the baby to be born. There Jose had to learn English. Growing up Jose picked up on a lot of hobbies from soccer, at age 12 skating for two years. Then he finally fell in love with football and basketball. Freshman year was his first time playing organized sport and he made varsity after his first game. After football season he went on to play basketball. The following year he added baseball to the sports but none are as beloved as football. Jose is part of the Social Justice Academy. He feels like SJA is a perfect fit for him. Jose is now a junior and looking to continually improve and better himself until he reaches all his goals.