Myesha Frank is 17 years old and a senior at Hoover High School, and is this week’s Athlete of the Week.
Myesha has been playing basketball since freshman year, and enjoying how competitive the sport is. She loves playing against other people and challenging herself because it makes her better. Her favorite thing about basketball is the sisterhood she has with her teammates. She’s become really close with them and really appreciates having them as friends.
Outside of sports, Myesha works hard to prioritize her academics, and hopes to eventually go to UCLA. She stays up late after basketball games and practices in order to study and make sure her school work is done. She takes her education very seriously and wants to graduate with the best possible grades.
Myesha manages to balance sports, school, and a job. She works with the goal of saving money for college. She loves working as it gives her the opportunity to meet new people and improve her communication skills.
Recently Meyehsa hit 1,000 career points, being only the second girl in Hoover history to do so. She feels really proud and sees it as an example of her hard work paying off. She hopes to accomplish more in basketball, especially if she continues to play it in college.