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The student news site of Hoover High School

The Cardinal

  • March 28Somewhere, some might call it cruel...When you learn your baby don't belong to you...No fun to feel like a fool...It's no fun to feel like a fool ~ There's no fool like an April fool!
The student news site of Hoover High School

The Cardinal

The student news site of Hoover High School

The Cardinal

Andrea Meda

Andrea Meda, Staff Writer

Andrea Meda is an ALMA student at Hoover High School and is currently a senior and part of graduating class of 2021.  She is also a part of the College Avenue Compact program. Originally born in the city of San Diego on October 25th, she is now 17 years old. Andrea decided she wanted to join publications out of curiosity.  She likes to learn new things, so she wanted to try out publications. Andrea hopes 2021 will be a new chapter in our lives, especially for the graduating seniors to have fun and enjoy this year as best as they can. She is optimistic and patient in times of distress especially now with all going on in the world people must stay optimistic and patient. Andrea loves to play sports, learn about fashion and loves to read she also loves to learn about animals and study them. She loves to eat Mexican and African cuisine since she is Afro-Latina.  Her favorite snack is anything spicy or just any Mexican snacks and she does not have any favorite drinks she just likes any juices or teas. Andrea’s future is to graduate from college and have a stable life while traveling around Mexico and learn about all the diverse cultures.

All content by Andrea Meda