Simon Morales, Senior Writer
Simon Morales is a 17 year old senior at Hoover high, born and raised in San Diego, CA. He has been living in the City Heights neighborhood since 2015.
These last 6,205 days, Simon has been relaxing on autopilot, simply going with the flow. Thus far, his journey on earth hasn’t been anything special. Just another piece of walking carbon trying to enjoy the little things life has to offer. He’s never really been involved in much, and despite wanting to eventually make a name for himself he prefers to be more of an extra than an actual protagonist. Getting done with responsibilities quickly and efficiently is something he has aspired to do consistently. Since birth, waking up every morning is a blessing he’s tried to appreciate due to not many people being fortunate enough to experience another day.
All in all, he values his existence and hopes to push himself more in order to achieve greater things in life. According to him, almost everything is a mental battle and if you can’t knock down those mental barriers, you cannot advance in whatever it is you’re doing physically. He states that motivation is great, yet if you don’t carry discipline you’re bound to run into a wall once said motivation leaks out.
Simon lives in a family of four, and is the third oldest in the family. He lives with his Mom, Dad, and Sister not far from Hoover, where he attends. Working on himself after class is another thing he constantly seeks to do. The idea of being an improved version motivates him everyday, and the adversity which has snuck up on him, has only allowed him to learn that in.